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/ CG.Command_intel: unauthorized.transmission_ID653002133

May-Belle, my darling. Sorry for leaving so quickly, but I got a visit from MacKinnon and the guys. No worries, I'm okay, except for a few broken fingers.

Got some news on why. I found out that Jake use my name as a reference when he gambled on credit down at the pits a couple of weeks ago. My guess is that he didn't win, but at least now I know why it MacKinnon was sending me all those dead doves.

I know Jake pulled shit like this back when we were dodging enforcers and ripping consumers in SoHo, but he never pissed off anyone important. Anyways, I got Frankie, the stupid ass (still babbling about his lizards or whatever), to front me some cash for the ride here. He even pulled some favor with a customs guys to get me in. I'm livin the life here. Only problems are that they clean the pipes with some shit-nasty gas, and the duct workers here are armed to the teeth.

I try to strip copper for a guy down in the freshwater tanks, to pay for a Cayman ID he's promised me, but I haven't heard from him since last Tuesday. I'll let you know when I'm all sorted here. I only have to gather three more tons (and get the guy to pay me).

Give my love to the rest of the girls and make sure you beat up Jake for me.

/ CG.Command_order:elimination_protocol13C

Transmission was detected at 00:23:10 in section 4, hangar level. Sensory data indicate unauthorized personnel in section 3 ventilation and resource pipes.

Initiate cleansing and send a cleanup detail to attached coordinates.

/ end of entry
