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Threat Analysis[]

Feature: Blast-dampening field negates most explosive and concussive damage.

Feature: ECM pulse jammer blocks breaching capabilities.

Tactical Summary[]

SWARM missiles can be breached mid-flight to retarget. Blast dampening system highly susceptible to electrical overload. Proprietary stabilized muscular control allows incredible jumping capabilities.

DnDRestrict® software counters external chip traces and limits offensive breaching opportunities.


Indentured El Bagre, Columbia 2032, age 17 months; reared at Cayman Global Medellin; initialized for basic training 2044.

Intel Feed[]

/ Defense.Technology_news: EXprotect_field

Released in 2068, the Exprotect® from Castellano Industries was designed as the perfect defensive pairing for their portable missile platform, the SWARM. Using high speed tracking and prediction models, the Exprotect® recognizes close-proximity explosive and concussive events, and generates counteracting waves of force to effectively nullify incoming shockwaves and dramatically lower shrapnel velocity.

Combined with either heavy armor or an Agent's recovery systems, the Exprotect® renders the user effectively immune to explosive damage.

/ Defense.Technology_update: EXprotect_vulnerability

Technical analysis of Exprotect® by Accelle-Sys highlighted a vulnerability to close-range electrical surges.

/ Agent.Operations: assignments

Preliminary Ops 2057 - 61, Santa Cruz, Buenos Aires, Marrakesh.

Multiple successful incursions into EuroCorp territory including the retirement of executive-level assets.

/ end of entry
